Saturday, January 31, 2009

Deseret Ward News

Stake Trolley Derby

Thanks for all those who participated and supported the Stake Trolley Derby yesterday, It was a great time had by all. We appreciated the drivers and helpers from our ward who turned out and made the event such fun. Special thanks to those who built and engineered the trolleys for the many hours of effort that went into making them.


Message From Bishopric

Fasting is something Latter Day Saints do for a variety of reasons, not least to clear their minds, gain inspiration and draw closer to the Holy Ghost as we seek answers to prayers. Of course in addition to these spiritual reasons are the additional physical benefits of increased health & strength plus the benefits associated with the donation of fast offering to help those in need.

Each month our Ward/Stake puts those donations to good use and we are grateful to have Saints in our midst willing to sacrifice and share - even those with just a little to give due to their circumstances.   
To increase our understanding and appreciation of the Law of the Fast we are suggesting 10 things you can do over the coming weeks and in fact over the coming year:  

• Have a home evening lesson on why we fast and give offerings.
• Encourage—but never force—your children to fast. Some parents encourage their children to fast one meal a month when they turn eight, and then two meals a month when they turn twelve.
• Choose a specific purpose for your next fast, discussing the faith involved. Begin and end your fast with prayer.
• Attend fast and testimony meeting as a family on fast Sunday.
• Occasionally fast together at times other than on fast Sunday.
• Teach the importance of “feasting” on the word of Christ during a fast —studying the scriptures and the words of modern prophets, discussing the gospel, singing hymns, serving others, and praying. Those who are unable to fast (such as young children, the sick, or expectant and nursing mothers) can also join in the spirit of the fast in this way.
• Urge your children—young and old—to contribute fast offering; even a small amount can bring joy.
• Although fast offerings may be given to the bishop along with tithing, consider giving it in the fast offering envelopes delivered by the Aaronic Priesthood. In this way, contributing becomes a family project.
• Ponder and discuss the encouragement to contribute “much, much more” than the cost of two meals.
• Teach your family to give offerings willingly and cheerfully, recognizing that giving grudgingly profits nothing.
May your efforts in being obedient to the Law of Fasting bring you the blessings our Heavenly Father sees fit to bestow upon his children.

Have a great week, The Bishopric.


Other calendar items….

  • Waitangi Day– 6th February
  • Ward Youth Fireside on Sunday 8th February at 7pm.
  • This fireside will be held at the Dennis family’s home on Deseret Road. More details of the fireside will be provided next week.
  • Deseret Ward Conference—8th February 2009
    • Auxiliary leaders and class presidents should note this date as we will more than likely have a few visitors from the Stake attending classes this week
  • Valentines Day—14th February
  • Temple Closed 8th —22nd February
  • Deseret Ward Temple Assignments
    • February & March
    • 3 February Sealings
    • 10 & 17 February Temple Closed
    • 24 March Baptisms
    • 31 March Initiatory

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Deseret Ward News

Message from Bishopric

The importance of Family Home Evening is well known amongst Latter Day Saints and it is something that makes us quite unique. Many people who are not of our faith are intrigued to hear that one night a week is just ‘family night’.

A well planned out and thought through family home evening can become a vehicle for successful missionary work and by inviting those not of our faith to participate in a family home evening we can share a simple message about the central importance of the family unit just by being examples rather than through a lesson. As those not of our faith see us kneel in prayer, sing hymns, plan our week, teach each other and have fun – then they can feel the spirit and often they want their family to be part of this too.

As a reminder about the importance of family home evening here is a statement from President Howard W. Hunter who said:

"For over seven decades, Church members have been urged to hold regular, family home evenings. Great blessings are promised to those who follow the Lord's counsel to do so. In 1915, the First Presidency said, "If the Saints obey this counsel to hold family home evening, we promise that great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase. Faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel, and they will gain power to combat the evil influence and temptations which beset them. ""Monday night continues to be reserved for family home evening each week. Local leaders should see that Church buildings and facilities are closed on Monday nights. Stake and ward activities should not be planned for, or held on, Monday nights. Family home evenings may include family recreational activities in addition to gospel Instruction.

Remember the simple power of a strong family – a united ‘zion’ family can achieve miracles in their own home, with their own family plus they can work miracles with others around them in the community if they take the time. If you are struggling with missionary work then why not invite a family into your home on a Monday evening as you hold a family home evening and the Holy Ghost will do the rest.

If you are earnest in your efforts to hold a regular family home evening then you will be blessed, if you help others on the way then the blessings can be shared and you will grow closer to your Father in Heaven.

Have a great week

The Bishopric


calendar items

  • Auckland Anniversary—Monday 26th January
  • Stake Trolley Derby— Saturday 31 January 8am Cowley Drive
    • We currently have some experts working on our trolley and we will have 12 Races– 2 per auxiliary. Driver will be assigned within auxiliaries. We will be meeting at the reserve at the top of Cowley Drive. So please come and support our ward. It should be great fun!
  • Waitangi Day– 6th February
  • Deseret Ward Conference - 8th February
    • Just a reminder that it’s Ward Conference time again for all Temple View Stake units and Deseret. Auxiliary leaders and class presidents should note this date as we will more than likely have a few visitors from the Stake attending classes this day.
  • Temple Closed 8th —22nd February
  • Valentines Day—14th February

Thank You to those who have been preparing meals for the Williams family. Our thoughts and prayers are with Paul and Corina and family at this difficult time.

How to Make a Raised Garden

By Owen and Alma Mayor - deseret Ward Welfare Specialists

1. Raised Gardens

It is still the summer season. Summer vegetables can still be sown. We are on our third planting of lettuce and will be ready to plant more cauli's and broccolli in the next few weeks. We have also recently planted our second lot of tomatoes and beans. The message is that if you do not have a garden then make a start. The following is a cheap (free) and easy way to make a small raised garden.

Aim: Make a small raised gardens.



· One free pellet

· Hammer

· Crowbar

· Saw


1. Take one pellet.

2. Carefully dismantle the pellet with a crow bar. Remove the nails. These can be reused for making the raised garden. Try to keep the strips of wood in one piece.



3. Cut one strip of wood in half. These will become the ends of the two raised gardens as seen in the illustration below. Nail two long wood strips to one half size strip of wood .



4.Cut pieces of the thicker strips of the pellet frame to join the two ends of the raised garden frame together. If there are enough pieces of wood left over from the dismantled pellet then a second pellet can be made.


5. Place the frame where it will be placed in your yard and fill with a mix of soil and compost (old grass clippings and food scraps that have been left to form compost) or a cheap bag or two of compost from places like The Warehouse or Bunnings. I just used soil that was at the bottom of our compost heap to mix with the compost.




WALAHHHH!!!!! AS EASY AS 1..2..3. GARDEN FRAME COMPLETED. NOW YOU CAN PLANT. We planted strawberries in the two frames that we made from the one dismantled pellet.