Saturday, November 29, 2008

Deseret Ward News

Managing Your Money

"Most people spend on their yearning rather than their   earning".

The combined priesthood/relief society lesson on managing money was both timely (given the current global economic crisis) and inspirational. The message was grounded in basic economic principles that resonated with spiritual teachings such as self-reliance, increasing our capacity to serve others, being accountable and responsible for our earthly blessings, saving in times of plenty in preparation for the famines of income that may strike upon us suddenly.

Key teachings included:

1. Have  a budget: Know how much you get, and what your fixed and variable expenses are. Prevent leakage (eg... too many chocolate bars and pies)

2. Save regularly towards short term goals (car repairs, registration, medical emergencies), medium term goals (house deposit, having 12 months food storage), and long term goals (superannuation, property, assets that provide life-long security)

3. Understand the miracle of compounding interest: One need look no further than the example given of the $112,00 savings on a house loan of $200,000 simply by paying it off in fortnightly rather than monthly instalments in 20 rather than 25 years.



Relief Society Christmas Activity. "An Unexpected Christmas"

This Wednesday 3rd December, 7pm - Relief Society Room

Join us for a night of friendship, service and Christmas Cheer

Dress: Tidy casual

Please bring:

* A permanent marker or fabric marker if you have one

* An ice - cream container lid

* A plate for Supper that includes an ingredient from your food storage (sugar, condensed milk, honey etc etc)

· Ward Council—Sunday 7th December

· Deseret Ward Christmas Activity—19th December from 6.30pm

· YSA National Conference– 31 December– 4 Jan 2009


Message from Bishopric

The Prophet Joseph Smith received two very specific "thanksgiving prayer" revelations. The first was, "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things" D&C 59:7

Next was, "Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks" D&C 98:1

Things were not going well when the Lord gave these "thanksgiving" commandments to the early Saints; in fact, all hell was breaking loose. At the time the Prophet received Section 59, the Kirtland Safety Society had failed; most of the Saints, as well as the Prophet and his family, were in dire poverty. The attempt of Zion 's Camp to rescue the beleaguered Missouri Saints and restore them to their lands and homes had seemingly been for naught. Many key leaders had left the Church and were adding fuel to the fires of persecution.

The Kirtland Saints experienced such severe persecution that they had to leave comfortable homes and travel to Missouri in miserably cold and difficult conditions—and in Missouri they were anything but welcome. Agitated locals, chafing at the rumors of their land being chosen as the Mormon's " Zion " were like a volcano about to explode. Nothing seemed to be going right for the Saints—yet it was at this time the Lord commanded them to "thank the Lord thy God in all things"

So in your next prayers, no matter your circumstances, be grateful for everything.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Deseret Ward News


Upcoming Calendar Items

· Combine Priesthood and Relief Society Workshop– Sunday 30th November

· Ward Relief Society Christmas Activity– Wednesday 3rd December

· Deseret Ward Christmas Activity—19th December from 6.30pm

We would like volunteers who want to share with the ward a talent. This will be shown at our Ward end of year Christmas activity. All those keen to share the love please contact Bro Enoka, on 8476977.

· YSA National Conference– 31 December– 4 Jan 2009

Registration is still open for the National YSA conference to be held at CCNZ 31 Dec—4 Jan. Please see your Young Single Adult advisors Chris & Marie-Rose Thompson for more details.

· 27th November the Young Women's activity is Achieving Personal Progress in Divine Nature, and will be held at the Chapel at 6.30

Message from Bishopric

The motivation to do your best gets lost when it becomes drudgery rather than a delight:

Remember; Drudgery is:

D – Doing something you don't like
R – Repetition of the same activity or foods day after day
U – Uncomfortable and bored with exercise
D – Doing it to please someone else
G – Going too hard, too fast, without a long-term plan
E – Expectations too high, not realistic
R – Rigid attitude all-or-nothing thinking and behaviour
Y – yo-yo efforts, up and down, on-again, off-again

We can turn it into a delight by:

D – Doing daily achievable activity through short-term goals
E – Exchanging exercise tapes and tips with friends
L – Looking for opportunities to be more active
I – Inviting a friend to something
G – Getting a move on to what we should do    

H – having respect for ourselves
T – Tracking our efforts on a calendar to monitor progress

The Saviour in his great love knows what matters  most, and that a sacrifice may be required to go find a lost soul of priceless value. With this great and abiding personal love for us as a window into our value to Him, it becomes a blessing to seek for and keep close to our hearts the desire to honour and care for our mortal bodies with respect and affection.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Deseret Ward News


CCNZ Graduation

Deseret Ward Graduates Steal the Show

The CCNZ graduation ceremony was last night and Deseret Ward   stole the show with two of its members Hana O'brien and Adam Walmsley taking out the highest academic award imaginable - the infamous DUX award.

The night was a memorable occasion for all involved and represents the culmination of much study and effort. Congratulations to all graduates and may this ceremony be but one among many in a long line of academic graduations to come. The sail of success has been raised and the winds of change are stirring as students and friends prepare to embark from the sheltered bosom of Temple View into the competitive wilderness of tertiary education and vocational work. May the friendships, memories, and teachings that have nurtured and cultivated who you are today form the essence of who you choose to be tomorrow, and may they light the path ahead for you even if just a step or two at a time.

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Upcoming Events

· Deseret Youth Baptisms – Tuesday 18th November

· Deseret Ward Family History Workshop—Friday 21st November

· Combine Priesthood and Relief Society Workshop– Sunday 30th November

· Ward Relief Society Christmas Activity– Wednesday 3rd December

· Deseret Ward Christmas Activity—19th December from 6.30pm


Message from Bishopric

Some members might charge that the Church seems to teach members to put service in the Church (e.g. in Church callings) over the needs of their families.

Said President Gordon B. Hinckley to bishops:

I know that the work is hard at times. There are never enough hours to get it done. The calls are numerous and frequent. You have other things to do. That is true. You must not rob your employer of the time and energy that are rightfully his. You must not rob your family of time which belongs to them. But as most of you have come to know, as you seek for divine guidance, you are blessed with wisdom beyond your own and strength and capacity you did not know you had. It is possible to budget your time so that you neglect neither your employer, your family, nor your flock.

Note that family is emphatically not to be neglected or “impoverished,” and that one is not expected to do more than is healthy for the family.

Church leaders have consistently taught that family duties are the primary Church duties. To neglect one's family needs is to fail in the most important Church assignment:

* “Your responsibility as a father and a husband transcends any other interest in life.”

* "A man who holds the priesthood regards the family as ordained of God. Your leadership of the family is your most important and sacred responsibility. The family is the most important unit in time and in eternity and, as such, transcends every other interest in life."

* “No other success can compensate for failure in the home.”

* “I have repeatedly said to our priesthood leaders that the most important of the Lord's work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.”

* "If you will make your first concern the comfort, the well-being, and the happiness of your companion, sublimating any personal concern to that loftier goal, you will be happy.

Church doctrine places the family at the centre of one's life.


First Presidency Announcement

The following has been asked to be passed on to all members;

October 30, 2008

Dear Brethren and Sisters; and

The web site is directed primarily to members of the Church and has information to help members live the gospel and serve in the Church. We call your attention to the newest version of, a website designed specifically to those not of our faith. This revised site is aligned with the missionary guide Preach My Gospel and contains information about the basic doctrines of the Church, including answers to some of life’s great questions. The information is enhanced by video testimonies of recent converts.

We invite you to become familiar with so that you might refer your friends and family members of all faiths to experience what is available there.

May the lord bless you as you use these gifts of technology to invite others to come unto Christ by receiveing His restored gospel.


Kids Corner

Book of Omni

Julie Wardell, “Book of Omni,” Friend, Apr. 1988, 44

Hold this list up to a mirror, (or read backward) to

discover the names of nine men mentioned in

Omni in the Book of Mormon.

Then look them up in the Book of Omni.
